Cats and Dogs - a blog for English learners

Occasional tips and tricks to help you learn more than the useless phrase "it's raining cats and dogs", brought to you by Craig Meulen, an English teacher in Germany. (Blog discontinued.)

August 20, 2008

Are You Smart Enough to Be German?

- take the citizenship test

One good way to learn English is to read English articles about subjects you know well. For example, you could read an English book which you had already read in German. So you know the plot (the story) already. This means that even if you don't understand ALL the words, you can still understand what you are reading.

One subject you probably know very well (if you are one of my German readers)
is ... Germany!! So reading about Germany in English should be quite easy for you.

Try this and see. How well DO you know your country?!!



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